我们知道,没人喜欢做乳房x光检查. 但这是早期发现乳腺癌最聪明的方法.
富士的ASPIRE水晶, 可在门诊诊断中心获得, 是为了更好的患者体验而建立的吗. 独家舒适桨移动四种方式, 适应你的身体, while the ASPIRE Cristalle’s innovative 3D technology delivers excellent detail with a low radiation dose.
Experience the smarter 3D mammogram with improved diagnostic accuracy and less chance of a false-positive result and callback, 与单独的2D相比.
更舒服:女性觉得乳房x光检查不舒服是有原因的. 乳房不应该被压平....或者换句话说,被压扁了! The ASPIRE Cristalle's patented Comfort Paddle was designed to gently adapt to your curves with four-way pivoting and flexible surfaces. This delivers more gradual, even compression of your breasts for a noticeably more comfortable exam.
更多的 accurate readings: 3D mammography provides more detail than traditional 2D mammography. x射线系统快速扫过乳房, 从不同角度拍摄几张低剂量图像. 这些图像可以分成薄片观看. 这样医生就可以一层一层地看到你的乳房组织, 这可以帮助揭示异常,否则可能隐藏.
更少的回调:回调是乳房x光检查的一个事实. Callbacks can happen when a woman needs additional screening because the image showed a suspicious area. 在很多情况下, 考试结果是正常的, 但是得到假阳性结果可能会很有压力. ASPIRE Cristalle's advanced image quality can help reduce the number of callbacks for non-cancer cases.
It's natural to have questions when getting a mammogram, especially if it's your first time. 以下是对常见问题的回答,可能会对您有所帮助.
Mammograms can often reveal breast cancer before any apparent symptoms or a lump can be felt. Early detection is critical to catching cancers before they progress to advanced stages.
使用ASPIRE Cristalle的3D考试会有不同的感觉吗?
舒适桨被设计成比传统机器更舒适. 但除此之外,都是一样的. 你的技术人员将以同样的方式帮助你在机器前定位.
A board-certified radiologist with subspecialty training in breast imaging and 3D mammography will read your images and report the results back to you and your doctor.
我听说过数字乳房断层合成术(DBT). 这和3D是一回事吗?
是的. 这是3D乳房x光检查的临床术语.
The radiation dose with 3D mammography is higher than traditional 2D mammograms because of the additional images captured; however, 但仍明显低于美国政府制定的剂量限值.S. 美国食品和药物管理局.
Prepare the same way you would prepare for a traditional mammogram: Do not wear jewelry, 除臭, 香水, 或者把乳液涂在腋下或躯干上. 除臭剂和粉末有时含有铝, 哪些图像与钙化相似并能干扰成像过程. 你得脱掉腰部以上的衣服, 所以穿衬衫配裤子, 不要穿连体裙. Schedule your mammogram after your menstrual period (instead of before or during) to minimize tenderness and discomfort. Limit intake of caffeinated drinks during the week before; caffeine can make breasts more tender, 哪一种会导致考试时更不舒服.